Why consensual rape fantasy is popular among men and women?

The Forbidden Kink

There are a lot of sexual fantasies in the world as everyone wants to explore their sexuality to make their love life more fulfilling and entertaining. Some people have a foot fetish while some like their partner to urinate on them. Various fantasies are very unique or considered as a taboo in today’s world but there is one such kink that has divided opinions around the globe due to its nature and that is the fantasy of consensual rape which includes elements of sexual violence but with the consent of everyone taking part in the activity as everything is planned out before going through with the plan. This fantasy has become quite popular since the turn of the decade and today we will explore various factors that have made consensual rape fantasy so popular among men and women. Everyone thinks that one who fantasizes about rape needs professional medical help but that is not the case as most of the people who have this fantasy don’t want to rape anyone. Instead, they want to experience sex at its extreme form with their partner as they see it as a way to express their sexual desires without having to suffer any moral and social consequences. This sort of fantasy is considered as a branch of BDSM and for many BDSM lovers, this fantasy is nothing more than just an activity of the BDSM category which they can perform but not everyone with such fantasies are into BDSM. So what makes the fantasy of consensual rape so popular so among males and females? Let’s find out.

Why Do Women Fantasize About Consensual Rape

The first and foremost reason why this fantasy has become so popular among women is the fact that women loved to be desired and they see this kink as a way in which they are the subject of other people’s desires as they can fulfill their sexual needs while having a clear conscience. This fantasy allows women to be submissive to their partner as they want to see how possessive their partner feels about their body and how much their partner can be abusive in bed. Moreover, not every woman can express their fantasies without any guilt or shame but this fantasy allows them to get dirty without any worries of consequences as it is consensual. These fantasies also allow women to fulfill their needs of having sex with more than one partner at once as they could do a roleplay where they are the victim and the assaulter can be as many as she wants. Studies conducted in different countries had one conclusion in common which was that due to this fantasy a woman (the one who fantasizes) would see herself as so attractive, gorgeous and irresistible that the individuals who meet her would no longer be able to control themselves and would force themselves on her which makes the woman feel loved and desired by her partners. According to a report published by a group of researchers in France, women are more imaginative than their male counterparts and that is why they fantasize more about consensual rape as it is a product of their wandering mind. The female gender is also known to seek more thrills in their sexual encounters than men which leads them to fantasize about these rape fantasies as in such encounters the sexual excitement is heightened due to the tense situation that arises when the fantasy is acted upon. Apart from straight ladies, the popularity of consensual rape is also popular among lesbians as such women would love their partner to dominate them which is quite the opposite of lesbian relationships which is full of love and respect. This fantasy allows lesbian to be manhandled by their female partners which they see as a more comfortable option than engaging in a normal sex encounter with a male partner.

Why Do Male Have Consensual Rape Kinks

As opposed to women, men have different reasons for why they fantasize about rape. The biggest reason that came forward for the popularity of consensual rape among men is that this fantasy allows them to express their masculine behavior as they are the ones who are in control. Another reason for this fantasy becoming so famous among men is because of their sexual victimization. Many men go through sexual victimization at a young age or at the workplace at the hands of their boss. This leaves them with a permanent scar and rape fantasies are more likely to develop in such males as it presents them an opportunity to take control of such experience as they had no control in the previous experience. Furthermore, such fantasies are popular among men who have low self-esteem, and carrying out this activity represents them a chance to increase their esteem as they are the ones who take control and could do anything they please to their victim. They will not be judged by the victim and since they are the assaulters, men could even hurl abuses at their victim as it makes them feel lightened. The chance of gratifying your sexual needs while feeding your low self-esteem simultaneously attracts a lot of men to try this fantasy with their partner or an escort model. While consensual rape fantasies are popular among many men and women, the trickiest part of this fantasy is to find a partner who will agree. Not everyone is bold enough to ask their girlfriend or lover if they are into consensual rape or not which has caused many men and women to look for other options such as erotic sex companion. Even then, multiple issues arise as not every escort girl is willing to offer such services. This is where people hire the services of high-class Escort Cologne who is renowned throughout the world for providing the finest services without judging its patron.

Why consensual rape fantasy is popular among men and women?

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